Check 1st PUC Results 2020
1st PUC Results 2020 Check Yours -
1st PUC Results 2020 Check Yours now, 2020 1st puc results 1st PUC results are going to be disclosed and 1st PUC result check is now available on it's official website also check your 1st PUC results 2020 also see all the PUC result 2020 on the official website. 1st PUC results 2020 check now -
1st PUC Result Check -
In the midst of an across the nation lockdown, the Dakshin Kanna Pre University Principals Association (DKPUCPA) under the Karnataka government announced the results for Karnataka pre-college course (PUC) First Year or PUC Class II level test 2020 today, May 5. The results were reported at 10 AM on the official site of the PUC affiliation – Additionally Read - Issued Notice by Karnataka Government, IAS Officer Says 'Will Respond as Per Rules' The results will likewise be sent straightforwardly to understudies by means of email or SMS to enrolled versatile number. Competitors must stay understanding as the site may set aside some effort to open because of overwhelming web traffic. Likewise Read - Karnataka IAS Officer Issued Show Cause Notice For His Tweet on Tablighi Jamaat Donors The Karnataka 1st PUC Exam 2020 was held from February 10 to February 25 at different test habitats over the state. Around 6.53 lakh up-and-comers have showed up for the tests of which more than 2 lakh are from expressions, 2.48 lakh from business, and 2.04 lakh from science. Likewise Read - COVID-19: Karnataka Coolie Raises The Bar of Humanity in Times of Corona, Gives up Hajj Savings to Feed Needy Here's how you can check your Karnataka 1st PUC Result 2020: Stage 1: Visit the online entryway SuVidya of the DKPUCPA at Stage 2: Fill in your enlistment number (as on the corridor ticket) and date of birth in the necessary fields. The Dakshin Kannada Pre University Principles Association (DKPUCPA) has discharged the 1st PUC results, as per media reports. The results have been pronounced on a few foundation of SuVidhya Results entries at - You should simply enter your register number and date of birth to check your results. The outcome should be made accessible disconnected. The concerned office was approached to send the scorecard through SMS on the enrolled versatile of the understudies/guardians, according to reports. Be that as it may, there is no official declaration with respect to this issue. The universities were coordinated not to put their results on their notification sheets so no understudies enter the grounds in the midst of coronavirus pandemic. The report asserted that understudies who neglect to clear the first Pre University Test would be permitted another opportunity by means of beneficial test. The competitors can re-show up in the test that will be held at the school level. Additionally Read: CA Exam 2020| Dates for Foundation, Inter and Final papers pushed to July and August, check datesheet Prior the Karnataka PUC 1 outcome should be pronounced on March 27 yet it got deferred due to coronavirus lockdown. The universities will start online meetings for understudies who fit the bill for the PU tests after presentation of the results. According to rules from the Union Grants Commission, the new meeting will start from September 2020. The HRD serve Ramesh Pokhriyal as of late held a gathering with all state training priest and solicited them to continue the assessment from Class 10 and 12 board answer sheets of individual states. The service has said it is set up to direct the pending tests for 29 key papers at the principal probability. In the interim, the assessment dates of NEET and JEE Main test will likewise be declared by the HRD Minister on Tuesday, revealed PTI on Sunday. Karnataka PU Ist tests result 2020: Karnataka Pre University Department may discharge First PUC Result 2020 (Karnataka 1st PUC Result 2020) today. This is being guaranteed in certain media reports. Results will be sent straightforwardly to understudies because of lockdown and crown infection disease. The outcome will be sent to a similar portable number that the understudies have enrolled. The outcome can be announced by Dakshina Kannada Pre University, however remembering the social separating, it has been chosen not to discharge it from schools. Directions have additionally been given that Pre University schools won't put results on their school notice board so that there won't be a surge of understudies there. It is being informed that 6.53 lakh understudies had showed up in this assessment. The assessment was held in February at different assessment communities. Understudies who have not passed will likewise get an opportunity to sit in the valuable test of 1st PU Exam 2020. Valuable tests for 1st year PU understudies will be at the school level as it were. Prior, the Karnataka PUC result was planned to be reported on 27 March yet was delayed because of crown infection and lockdown. understudies, the Karnataka 1st PUC Result 2020 are out. The outcome for pre-college course (PUC) first year or class 11 degree of tests has been proclaimed today, May 5, 2020. Understudies who have been sitting tight for their results are mentioned to visit the online entry for example SuVidya. With this, understudies can likewise visit to check their outcome. Aside from the online gateway SuVidya, the understudies will get the results by means of mail or SMS. Over 6.53 lakh (6,53,461) competitors have showed up for the tests of which more than 2 lakh (2,00,801) are from expressions, 2.48 lakh from business, and 2.04 lakh from science. The individuals who clear PUC I will be elevated to PUC II or class 12 Karnataka 1st PUC Results 2020: Websites to remember Karnataka 1st PUC Results 2020: Steps to check Visit the official sites:, and Snap on the applicable connection on the landing page. Open the Result entry on the new page. Enter the Registration Number. Check the PUC 1st Year result connection and open it. Presently spare and download the Karnataka PUC 1st outcome for sometime later. Karnataka government has discharged the consequence of Pre-University Course (PUC) first year or class eleventh assessment on 5 May. The results have been pronounced by South East Kannada Pre University Principals Association (DKPUCPA). Note that this year for example 2019-2020 meeting, more than 6.53 lakh applicants showed up for the test, out of which more than 2 lakh are from Arts, 2.48 lakh from Commerce, and 2.04 lakh from Science. In the event that the report is to be accepted, the results will be sent to the enlisted versatile quantities of the understudies through email or SMS and will likewise be accessible on SuVidya, an online entrance. The individuals who didn't breeze through the test need not be frustrated. Strengthening assessment is led for them. Clarify that the date of assessment has not been reported at this point. The UGC led the test in July, that also will be held for two hours rather than three hours. In any case, these directions for when the circumstance gets ordinary. The individuals who clear PUC (I) will be elevated to PUC-(II) or Class XII. The following meeting for these understudies is required to begin by August while new affirmations and meetings will begin from September. Prior, these meetings were beginning in July. Uplifting news for first year understudies of Karnataka PUC. Dakshina Kannada Pre University Colleges Principals Association ie DKPUCPA has reported the results of the primary year understudies under Karnataka PUC Result 2020. Understudies who showed up in the primary year assessment can see their outcome on the official site Understudies can likewise check the outcome from the immediate connection given beneath. First year understudies can check their Karnataka PUC Result 2020 Official Result site by filling their enrollment number and date of birth. Along these lines understudies should keep their enlistment prepared to check the outcome. In the wake of checking the on the web and taking print of the 1st Karnataka PUC Result 2020, understudies should spare the delicate duplicate of the outcome for future needs. Prior, as per the update discharged on the official site of SUVIDYA and DKPUCPA about the Karnataka Pre-University Exam, Karnataka 1 PUC result 2020 was declared for the outcome to be reported on the site at 9 am. Notwithstanding, as per the update of Dakshina Kannada Pre University Principals Association, after the declaration of the Karnataka PUC Result 2020 on the official site, the results will likewise be sent to the understudies on their enrolled versatile number. Taking into account the Corona infection (Covid-19) the nation over, the office has declared to give results on versatile because of the lock down. As indicated by the media reports, the understudies who will be proclaimed fruitless in the Karnataka PUC Result 2020, will be allowed the chance to take an interest in the strengthening test led by the division for such understudies. Understudies should take note of that Karnataka PUC Result 2020 won't be made accessible on the notification leading body of their school and on the official site, Karnataka State Results, So understudies need to visit the site to see their PUC result 2020. 00 A.M. Karnataka government has reported that the Dakshin Kanna Pre University Principals Association (DKPUCPA) will announce the outcome yet the legislature has chosen not to have result at individual schools so as to guarantee social removing and other wellbeing measures due to coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic. The outcome for pre-college course (PUC) first year or class 11 degree of test will be proclaimed on May 5 (Tuesday) at 10:00 A.M. Karnataka government has reported that the Dakshin Kanna Pre University Principals Association (DKPUCPA) will announce the outcome yet the administration has chosen not to have result at separate schools so as to guarantee social removing and other security quantifies due to coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic. The results will likewise be sent through messages or SMSes to the enlisted versatile quantities of understudies and will likewise be accessible at an online entrance SuVidya. Around 6.53 lakh applicants have showed up for the tests of which more than 2 lakh are from expressions, 2.48 lakh from business, and 2.04 lakh from science. The most effective method to check the Karnataka 1st Year PUC Results 2020 on karresults, kseeb SuVidya sites: Stage 1: Visit,,, Stage 2: Check the Result entry on the landing page. Stage 3: Open the Result entry in the new page. Karnataka State Board first year PUC result is required to be proclaimed today on its official site. As indicated by media reports, the board had prior told that the 1st PUC or class eleventh outcome will be pronounced on May 5. Applicants will have the option to check their results online at karresults.nic. in or The Karnataka 1st PUC results can likewise be kept an eye on Suvidya entryway at www. In the year 2019, the outcome was likewise distributed on Suvidya entry. The Karnataka Board 1st PUC exam additionally called as pre college test was directed in the long stretch of February. The outcome is required to be proclaimed in the blink of an eye. As per media reports, understudies will likewise get their 1st PUC result 2020 on their enlisted portable numbers. The results won't be distributed on the notification board this year so as to keep up social removing during the Coronavirus emergency. Karnataka PUC Result: How To Check Results on the web Stage 1 : Visit the official sites for Karnataka Board Results at or Stage 2 :On the landing page, click on the outcome tab Stage 3 : Under the 1st PUC result area, enter the required login qualifications like enrollment number/move number and date of birth as given in the concede card. Stage 4 : Click on "submit" button Your Karnataka 1st PUC Result will be shown on the screen The principal year Karnataka PUC assessment has been announced today, Tuesday May 5, 2020. The Department of Pre University Education, Karnataka, said that applicants can check their results online at Understudies can likewise browse their imprints by means of email or SMS separated from the SuVidya entry, the office said. The results won't be shown at universities, schools to guarantee social separating standards due to Coronavirus disease. As indicated by reports, Over 6.53 lakh competitors had showed up for the tests. While more than 2 lakh applicants were from Arts (Humanities) stream, 2.48 lakh from trade. The quantity of understudies who showed up from the science stream was 2.04 lakh. Understudies who clear the PUC I test will be advanced Class 12 (PUC II). The new meeting for these understudies is probably going to start from September. For the most part, the meeting begins from July, be that as it may, it will be deferred for this present year because of the progressing across the nation lockdown in the wake of Coronavirus pandemic. Step by step instructions to check teps to check Karnakata 1st puc results 2020: 1. Visit the official site 2. One have to enter the enrollment number, date of birth and different subtleties inquired. 3. The marksheet will be shown on the screen. The site may set aside some effort to show the outcome because of the overwhelming surge of understudies. 4. One might need to download the outcome and remove a print from the equivalent for additional utilization